Brand: Progetti

Price: 0.00‎€

A cardiac arrest may occur to anyone in any moment. Thanks to RESCUE SAM everyone can save a life. This semiautomatic public use defibrillator guides the rescuer through the cardiopulmonary resuscitation operations.Thanks to its sophisticated analysis algorithm, fully developed in Italy, this important device knows when the electric shock is needed. Compact, ergonomic and lightweight, RESCUE SAM is a life-saving device, indispensable to make your environment a cardio-protected site. Anyone can be victim and rescuer.

RESCUE SAM is a semi-automatic external defibrillator designed for providing simple and direct voice prompts and indications for a straightforward rescue operation. It is lightweight and battery powered for maximum portability. RESCUE SAM is designed to treat Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) and Fast Ventricular Tachycardia (VT).

Operating mode:  Automatic(AED) or semi-automatic (SAED).
Waveform:                                   BTE (biphasic truncated exponential type);impedance   compensated.
Energy:  200J fixed as new norms AHA 2010.
Disarm:  Automatic or by the user.
ECG analysis time:  <10”.

Charge time:


Defibrillation steps:  150J – 150J – 200J adult,50J- 50J – 50J child.
Pacemaker detection:  Yes.
Transthoracic resistance:  25 – 100 οhm.
Battery capacity:  Min.200 shocks or 4 hours of operating time continuous.
ECG range:  2 – 25 Hz.
Battery:  LiMnO2 (12V 4200mA).
Self-test:  Daily.
Dimensions:  8 X 30 X 27 cm.
Weight:  2,2 kg.
Class:  ΙΙ Β.
Data stored:  First 60 minutes of ECG and the entire incident’s events.
Data transmission:

Manufacturer software for data transmission via USB   (optional).

Warranty:  Device 5 years, battery 4 years.


Manufacturer: PROGETTI MEDICAL, Italy.logo progetti

Each machine comes with:

  • A set of adult defibrillation electrodes.     Αυτοκόλλητα ηλεκτρόδια ενηλίκων
  • One lithium battery (non-rechargeable).    Μπαταρία

Additional optional accessories:

  • Carrying Case.                                   Θήκη μεταφοράς
  • Wall mounted cabinet.
  • Disposable defi adult pads.             Αυτοκόλλητα ηλεκτρόδια ενηλίκων
  • Disposable defi pediatric pads.        Αυτοκόλλητα ηλεκτρόδια παίδων
  • Software with USB cable adapter for PC data management.
  • Emergency KIT for single-use application (with mask, etc.).      
  • Training defibrillation system (device and manikin).


Defibrillator RESCUE SAM - Scenario

Logo Diasys


Address: Fidipidou 13, 11526, Athens

Phone: 210-7776565

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